Thursday, May 14, 2009


So here I am, another casualty of the 2008/09 economy, back at home playing housewife again. A role, if I can be honest, I was SO happy to leave behind after playing it for a year while on mat leave. I am constantly hearing from other women how hard the transition was going back to work, how sad they were to not be the ones to take care of their babes all day long, etc. Not I. No, in the 1,000th application I’ve already filled out for the worst-mother-of-the-year award, I boldly stated that while I desperately love my son and enjoyed our time together, I was ready to go back to work. Ready to have something for myself. Ready to be able to go to the bathroom on my own schedule.

And it all went so well. He loved daycare, I loved being back at work and my biggest fears prior to returning proved groundless . . . leading up to the big day, I was filled with anxiety over how the timing of any given day would go. I mean, over my mat leave the apartment was in a constant state of mess and I was in a constant state of stress over the fact that it was so disorganized. So, if I could barely get the housework done while I was at home all day, how would I do it when I was at work for eight hours? The secret that no one tells you: when no one is home all day, no one is home to make a mess. Turns out the kid was causing all my housekeeping headaches and having him out was a big dose of Aspirin. Or maybe that’s only the case for worst-mother-of-the-year-award winners?

Things had gone so well being back to work – I was so happy, the apartment was mostly organized, food was cooked – that I now feel a bit purposeless being unemployed. So I thought maybe I’d give a personal blog a try. A release, if you will. A place to vent. An outlet for my writing – though I doubt it’ll be that creative.

I feel a bit silly not having a focus – I feel like there should be some theme to the blog like that woman who used her slowcooker every day for one year, or that Julie and Julia woman who’s now got a movie coming out. If only I had a focus then Nora Ephron would be knocking down my door, right? Maybe not. Who knows, maybe a theme will present itself later. Though it will come up a lot at first, I don’t really want unemployment to be the sole focus because I hope the blog will continue on after I find work and I hope to find work, um . . . yesterday! Feel free to suggest a theme. Running candidates: my hypochondria, my lack of understanding teenagers, my love of cooking, my love of vodka or my overall bitterness toward most other human beings, especially those who lack common sense.