Friday, May 22, 2009

Rock On

Why is it that reality in the music world differs from reality in the real world? I was wondering this this afternoon as was washing dishes and listening to "Girl Watcher" by Big Sugar. Guys who talk like that in real life irritate me. I find them juvenile, sexist, etc. (i.e. "She's fine, at least from behind . . . ") And yet, here I am bopping away, singing every word.

Different side of the same coin: I often find myself attracted to men in music that I most definitely would not be attracted to in real life. A prime example is Trent Reznor.

He's physically attractive (I go for the skinny rocker look - though, he's not so skinny in this picture) and his music has tons of base so I'm immediately sold. But in real life? A somewhat gothy, angsty, recovering heroin addict? No thanks. In real life I go for serious, dependable working guys in suits. But still skinny.

What gives? I think it goes back to Chris Rock's theory about women and music: women will forgive anything, no matter how sexist or unappealing, if the music makes them move. Or as Chris more succinctly puts it: "if the beat's all right, she'll dance all night."

Food for thought.


tylerlm1980 said...

I really enjoyed this one. When I saw that photo I didn't know who it was right away. I had to examine the face, because like you said, I was expecting a little more heroin-recovery look.