Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm becoming an old lady. Maybe not in terms of chronological age, but in terms of attitude I'm right there. And I'm OK with that.

I only joined Facebook because an out-of-town friend taunted me relentlessly and after more than a year I still only have 34 friends. My younger brother, on the other hand, has 282 friends. In the Facebook world he is the rule, I am the exception. I guess I just don't get the appeal of being connected with people I haven't spoken to in 19 years or that I only knew for four minutes.

For the longest time I didn't really get Twitter either. Then I found this:


Not only is it funny, but (old lady confession) it’s the thing that finally helped me understand how Twitter works. I still don't GET it, but at least I now know what those crazy kids are talking about.


Anonymous said...

Am I the taunting, out-of-town friend? ;) *Taunt-taunt* I have just over 200. I talk to like 15 on a regular basis. Slot me in beside T and pass me the bronze medal. In my defence I am much better than the folk who have what? 687! What the f*ck is that?
Twit? I’m right there with you on that. My narcissism has its limits, and the limits are FB. I don’t take this too seriously; a little humour, a little flirt, just a way to flex the muscles after a day’s work of pretending to be a grown-up. You have to admit though that FB has been good for you and me, as compared to our antiquated letters (remember the Barbie & the Rockers tape we used to do ‘verbal’ mail with ?!?!? Ha!) Just seeing you and N… enjoying all your writing… it has taken it to a level our old letters couldn’t, and might be considered the next best thing to in-person. Non? Anyway. For me I find I ‘see’ people better on here; all I have to do is read something they wrote (spelling mistakes and all), or look at photos they post (delivery room placentas, children on the toilet)… and for me, that’s ALL I need to know (as in, I DON’T need to know!) Yeesh. Cue Amelia mental re-categorizing ‘Friends’ (what a ridiculous term by the way) into new categories: f*ckwit, diva, womanizer, idiot. So just when you think you know someone, you look through the keyhole that is FB and it’s like you want to go back to the former blissful ignorance of pre-FB foetal position. Then again, isn’t it better to “know”. Glory in your 34. 34 is just perfect.
- Ai