Monday, July 20, 2009

What Did He Say?

I do my best to avoid TV commercials at all cost. They're loud, they're annoying and they're generally not very smart or interesting. Case in point, the new Miracle Whip commercial. What is up with this? Since when did Miracle Whip decide it needs to grab the youth market and make the whole mayo vs Miracle Whip debate be about being cool? The tone of the commercial, with the tag line "We are Miracle Whip and we will not tone it down!" makes you think they're advertising punk music or anti-government rebellion, not sandwich spread. I mean, you're an add on to tomatoes and bacon, not Che Guevara.

But just as the Miracle Whip commercial was making me curse all advertising, I caught this little gem. Thank goodness for the PVR because I had to rewind it and watch it a second time to actually catch what the guy was saying and get the full meaning. A sign of good advertising if I ever saw one.