Monday, June 8, 2009


Could I be a naturally accident-prone person and just never realized it before? Or is my displeasure about being unemployed surfacing in subconscious ways?

Last night, while preparing dinner, I damaged one of my favourite mixing bowls. It was a stupid mistake that reads like a recipe:
1. Place chopped sweet potatoes in bowl, toss with olive oil, salt and pepper.
2. Dump seasoned sweet potatoes onto baking sheet.
3. Place baking sheet into preheated oven and innocently put bowl on stove burner while finish prepping the rest of dinner.
4. Wait 20 minutes.
5. Realize bowl - PLASTIC BOWL - has been placed on the stove's venting burner.


The bowl is just from IKEA and is nothing special, but I liked it because it was the perfect size and had the nice pour spout. I guess the silver lining is that I get a trip to IKEA out of the whole thing, right?

RIP bowl. We had some good times:
pancakes, cookies, popcorn. Oh, the popcorn.

A close up of the damage.

The burner suffered too, of course.
My husband's suggestion to let it cool and peel the plastic off
later was wise. Please ignore the dirtiness underneath.
Cleaning the stove is a project for later this week. No really, honest.


Terry Murray said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I know what you mean - it's just a plastic bowl, but so perfect. Look at the bright side - that trip to IKEA!