Monday, June 1, 2009


In today's very special episode of "Tales From the Laundry Room," our down-on-her-luck heroine continues to lose in the battle against the new laundry machine overlords.

Yes, the saga continues.

I have lost the card needed to use the laundry machines. After helping me tear the apartment apart, my husband said, in his usual casual manner, "Meh, life is too short to worry about a lost laundry card." While I usually appreciate his zen-like attitude, this time I respectfully disagree.

In fact, losing the card is a major pain in the ass for several reasons:

1- We've lost the $30 that was already loaded on the card. I think I've mentioned before that I'm cheap. And unemployed, right? So I'm sure you can imagine how overjoyed I am at needlessly losing money.

2- We can't do laundry without the card.

3- We use cloth diapers for our son. That's right. Now please see #2 again.

Let's just say things might start to get a bit ripe around here if it takes a while to replace this stupid card. If I disappear in a few days it's likely because we did get a replacement card, but when I opened the diaper pail the overwhelming stench caused me to pass out, hit my head on our concrete walls on my way down and die from a serious head injury.

See, a lost laundry card IS something to worry about.


Terry Murray said...

When you find your card or get a new one, put a clothespin on your nose before you open the diaper pail. Laundry is not worth risking a serious (possibly lethal) head injury over.

Scribe said...

Ha! Good idea!

I checked with the super and, luckily, it won't be too long to get a new one, so that's a relief. But, a replacement card costs $10. WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?!