Sunday, June 21, 2009

Say It With Sugar

Today is Father's Day and like most other gift-giving occasions, we kept things very simple around here. My husband and I often don't get each other gifts for such "holidays" or at best get each other small token gifts. This is largely due to:

1. our lack of needing more things
2. my damned unemployment
3. the now-waiting-in-purgatory plan to save for a house
4. our overall Scrooginess.

My token gifts often take the form of baked goods.

While I like to cook, I'm not a huge baker, so I use holidays and events as excuses to whip up my husband's favourite treats. Past gifts have included Nanaimo bars, Rice Krispie treats and the always popular lemon squares.

I was going to go for the tried and true lemon square again this year, but decided to be brave and try something different. It was time, I felt, to go where I'd never gone before and make my husband's all-time favourite goodie: doughnuts.

I was going to give Jamie Oliver's recipe a try, but it required yeast and hours of rising and kneading and let's just say I'm lazy. So I cracked out the good old Joy of Cooking and found a no-yeast recipe.

A few lessons were learned from my first doughnut making experiment (i.e. the longer you go about frying doughnuts, the hotter the oil gets, which means the last few doughnuts cook much faster than the first few . . . hello black doughnuts!) but all in all I think they turned out pretty good.

The whole batch - about two dozen

The purtiest two . . . mmmmmmm