Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Back

The recent lack of posting or meal plan is thanks to a much needed break from life. Sounds stupid, I know, needing a break when I'm not even working, but job hunting is a soul-crushing, depressing, slow process. A week to someone looking to fill a job is nothing. A week to someone sitting at home by the phone power-eating their way through a bag of chocolate chips is an eternity. So I convinced my husband to take a few days off work (that and his boss said "you need to take some vacation or else!"), grabbed the kid and headed to Ottawa for an extra-long weekend of hanging with the folks.

One good thing that came out of the trip (aside from the rest, relaxation and free babysitting) was that I found the laundry card. That's right, the DAMN, STUPID laundry card! On the drive back to Toronto I was digging through my purse in search of something - what, I can no longer remember, but it was probably a half-used Kleenex to wipe my son's perpetually runny nose - and there in an inside pocket was the laundry card. The DAMN, STUPID laundry card.

Here's one of my favourite parts of being a parent: I'm going to blame the whole thing on my kid. And not just because it's fun to have a scapegoat who can't talk and therefore defend themselves, but because it's the truth! The evidence to support my accusation:

1 - I don't take my purse down to the laundry room - EVER. The only situation where I would is if I was planning on going out right after doing the laundry. But I lost the card on a Saturday morning, when my husband and son were upstairs waiting for me and I most definitely did not go out.

2 - My kid loves pulling things off of the front table where we store a cordless phone, the mail and the DAMN, STUPID laundry card.

3 - My kid loves to put things into other things. My husband is always finding toys, pieces of half-eaten snacks and other miscellaneous household items tucked into his work bag.

I rest my case.

Though we had to pay $10 for the replacement card, at least we now have a spare and we got the money back that was on the original card.

Could this mean more good luck is coming my way? Maybe a call about an interview? The New York Times is suddenly flush with cash and needs a Toronto-based correspondent? Sadly, I doubt it.