Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Plague Upon Your House

I'm not sure what I've done to upset the Gods, but life around here over the last few days can best be described as "mucousy."

It became clear to me late last week that something was up with the cat when, after bumping into her back end, she hissed at me. I had also noticed that grooming in that area seemed to be a bit lacking. A visit to the vet revealed she had an abscessed gland - poor thing - which is now being treated with antibiotics. In the end it turned out to be nothing serious and is easily treated, but at the time it really sucked. Why? Because it just rubbed the whole unemployment situation right in my face.

After trying to examine the cat, but being unable to do so because she was in so much pain, the vet proposed a series of tests that might reveal the problem. I asked for an estimate before we proceeded. The plan included sedatives to do the physical exam, x-rays and blood work. All told, the proposed bill went as high as $800. I couldn't believe my eyes . . . and unfortunately they let the vet know as much when I started crying.

I hate it when that happens - a flood of unexpected emotions in front of total strangers - but the situation hit my like a ton of bricks. I mean, here I am, worried about my cat, wanting to do what's best for her, but seriously concerned about the price of the bill because of my financial situation. Don't get me wrong, we could afford to pay it if necessary, but it's a BIG unexpected cost. Luckily, I pulled it together, explained my situation to the vet and asked if we could do all the tests she proposed, but one at a time - just in case the first revealed the problem and the rest turn out to be unnecessary.

She was very understanding and, as it turns out, that's exactly what happened. X-rays and blood work not necessary. Whew! What a great feeling to be out of the woods.

Until two days later, that is, when I started to suspect that the goop in the corner of my kid's eye wasn't just sleep. And I was right - it was THE PINK EYE! Gah! I much prefer the official name - conjunctivitis - as it sound so nice and clinical and medical and professional (all my favourites). Pink eye reminds me of the scene from Knocked Up where they give each other pink eye from farting on each other's pillows.

Trust me when I say giving a toddler eye drops looks a lot more like a scene from The Exorcist than a hilarious, Seth Rogen frat boy flick.


Terry Murray said...

You should be made an honorary veterinarian. How smart of you to suggest one test at a time. Poor Lily. Poor you. Poor little guy. (Not necessarily in that order.) The Ripster has runaway acne on his chin, following a respiratory infection, following a UTI. When it came time to pay, I gave them their choice of wrist for opening a vein, or their choice of nostril (for paying through the... well, you get it). Hang in!

Scribe said...

We seem to be on the mend. Pink eye is gone and Lily is on the last week of antibiotics and feeling much better. I'm just not sure why everything always happens at the same time!