Friday, June 26, 2009

Something To Look Forward To

During a recent conversation with family, I complained that there were no good movies coming out this summer. Well, OK, maybe I should say there are few of interest to me. I mean, Star Trek, Transformers, Terminator - can we get any more guy-centric?

Then my mother-in-law reminded me that Julie & Julia is coming out in August. How could I forget? Though I didn't read Julie Powell's blog at the time she wrote it, I did read her book and enjoyed it thoroughly. In case you don't know, Julie Powell hated her dead-end job and challenged herself to cook more than 500 recipes from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking over the course of one year. Interspersed throughout the book are fictional accounts of Julia Child's life based on family letters and her autobiography. It's a really cute, funny book.

So why am I so looking forward to this movie? Well, not only is it based on a book I enjoyed, and not only does it have a cooking theme I can relate to, but Meryl Streep (LOVE HER!) is playing Julia Child. In the words of Ina Garten, how bad can that be?


tylerlm1980 said...

I just read this post and thought I would send you some summer viewing thoughts. I agree this seems to be the summer of Boy-sploitation, but be assured there are still many a movie to see, you just have to go to smaller, less ventilated and/or heated theatres.

Happy viewing, hope some interest you.

I know Bastards is violent and perhaps male oriented, but it's still written by Quentin which means dialogue will be super interesting.

Hope you like at least one of these so you have more than one movie to watch this summer.

Scribe said...

Ah, you've just reminded me that the other day I sneaked out on my own and saw "Away We Go" - very cute and charming. And I now have a crush on John Krasinski.

I forgot about Funny People - as an Apatow fan I am very much looking forward to that one, but forgot it was coming out so soon.

Inglorious Bastards - I have mixed feelings. I like Tarantino, but I saw a preview and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take him seriously or if he's doing it all tongue in cheek. I'm sure I'll see it - he's usually on the mark.

The others look very interesting indeed - I had not heard of them yet! You are so much more up on movies than I. Sigh, my pop culture know-how is fading.

Terry Murray said...

There's a new Harry Potter movie coming out. "500 Days of Summer"? Um, "Bruno"? There was a French film that opened a week or two ago (probably more like three or four weeks ago) in Toronto, but I've forgotten the name. I've been on the road a lot so haven't had a chance to see anything, but am hoping to make up for that when I get home. Currently in Ottawa. Don't have to go anywhere again for a month - then it's Iowa City for my sister's wedding.