Thursday, August 27, 2009


A few days ago I accidentally deleted one of my posts from August 20. Then I discovered what a scary and magical place the internet really is.

Here's the post - recovered!

Remember this when you take that photo of yourself . . . you know the one . . . and post it somewhere. It will live FOREVER.

>>Thursday, August 20, 2009

>>Hello Out There

I don't think I have that many loyal followers, but to those of you who are kind enough to frequent this space, I'm sorry for being absent for a while.

Things have been quiet on the blog because things have been busy in my life. Job interviews, freelance work, volunteer work . . . I've been go, go, go for the last week or more but trust me, I'm not complaining!

One of the projects I've been working on is writing a small piece on the new organic food regulations for an online women's magazine. I've spent the majority of my career writing for researchers or professionals in the life/health sciences, so I'm used to editors asking for more detail! More numbers! More specifics!

This project would require me to do things a little differently since I was writing for the average Joe, but I'm trying to branch out and add to my skills so it seemed like a totally doable challenge. Hey, I've written for the average Joe before. Heck, I am the average Joe.

I did my research, had my interview and wrote up my little piece feeling pretty good about my efforts. Then comes an email from the editor: A+ for effort, she said, but you need to dumb it down. More bullet points, less big science words. What a wake-up call . . . I thought that's what I'd done!

Hopefully it's just a case of "old habits die hard" and not a warning sign that I need to get into a new line of work.