Thursday, August 6, 2009

You're Such A Card

Today is my anniversary. Wait, before you go, that isn't what my post is about.

Yesterday, while I was out not last-minute shopping for an anniversary card for my husband, I saw a new line of greeting cards by the Podleski sisters. If you're not familiar with them, they're the ladies who write the "Looneyspoons" cookbooks that are filled with silly cartoons and where every recipe has a ridiculous name like "I Got Stew Babe" (yes, that's an actual recipe. I'm not creative enough for that kind of prose.)

I have all three of their cookbooks (why wouldn't I? I own 40,000 cookbooks. I own EVERY cookbook!) and I have to say the recpies are generally quite good. The silly cartoons and puns I can live without. Which is why I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the greeting cards. The front image on the card is a cartoon similar to those in the cookbooks and inside the card is a recipe.

Now, I understand the need to branch out as a company to keep your brand name in people's minds, so it made perfect sense to me when the Podleskis started a line of frozen food. I got the cooking show on TV. The line of kitchen gadgets made sense. But greeting cards?

I mean, I'm just not sure the message I want to convey to a dear set of newlyweds is "Glad you met the loaf of your life - here's a recipe for zuchini bread."