Tuesday, August 11, 2009


To the Kinko's employee with the bad breath who curtly told me yesterday that I couldn't print my file because the program version I had used was superior to their own and then still charged me for what amounted to 30 seconds of computer time (me going to computer, me trying to open file, me realizing I can't open file): Boo-urns to you!

To the Kinko's employee I chatted with today who was super kind to me and who unexpectedly took three minutes of computer time and one print out off of my charges because he got busy and I was left waiting: I salute you! I have a stressful day ahead and you got it off to a great start. Plus you saved me about $2.50, so you will always hold a place in my heart.

To the woman at Kinko's who was printing out copies of her resume, which included the words "freelance" and "writer," causing me to have a mini panic attack and fear you were in the midst of preparing for the same job I was preparing for, only to then realize you were just putting your resumes into envelopes for mailing: my apologies. Although the apologies don't really need to go out to you directly since I managed to keep this moment of lunacy locked deep inside my crazy head and you had no idea what I was thinking. Oh, and best of luck to you!